v0.6.0 Release Notes

This release includes breaking changes. Switched syntax highlighting from Prism.js to Hugo's built-in Chroma implementation.

Axiom Theme
Axiom Theme

This release includes breaking changes. Switched syntax highlighting from Prism.js to Hugo's built-in Chroma implementation.


  • Switched syntax highlighting from Prism.js to Hugo's built-in Chroma implementation. This will allow Axiom to support 100% of the languages. Javascript libs like Prism would grow too big if we included all the languages. Generating highlighting on the build-side is also more performant, one-less script HTTP request by removing Prism. Config file [markup.highlight] codeFences must be set to true or not present at all, since the Hugo default is true

What's New

  • Dark and Light syntax highlighting themes. Users can now select "dark" or "light" highlighting by setting an option in their Hugo Config file (config.toml). Under [params] add highlight = "light" to switch to the light theme
  • Turn off syntax highlighting, to use third-party libraries. Under [params] add highlight = false (no quotes). No CSS will be output
  • Dark syntax highlighting is on by default
  • Use your own Custom Chroma syntax highlighting theme. Add syntax-light.css and/or syntax-dark.css to your Project's Assets directory (/assets)
  • Added option to omit theme attribution. In Hugo Config file (config.toml), under [params] add omitThemeAttribution = true


  • Separated syntax highlighting theme styles from formatting styles to support above new features
  • Syntax highlighting CSS is inlined below the Bundle CSS, so no new HTTP requests are made
  • Refactored the core CDATA CSS (/src/cdata.css). Reduced its size significantly, while improving coverage and maintaining high specificity
  • Moved the <pre> and <code> CSS under the CDATA namespace (.cdata). This improves specificity and coverage


  • Updated Alpine.js to latest version v2.3.5
  • Updated the Adsense code snippet